NYCJJ Launches Monthly Forums

Posted: January 24th, 2011 | by Yuval Sheer

On January 14, 2011, the NYCJJ launched a series of open forums for professionals,
parents, law enforcement, and other stakeholders in the Juvenile  Justice field.

These forums will take place once a month at the Fontana Center for Child Protection
and will enable us to convene a diverse group of stakeholders to engage in a discussion
about how we can improve our Juvenile Justice system.

The first forum consisted of a group of 20 social workers and supervisors who have
daily contact with children in trouble with the law.  Their input was highly valuable and
the discussion focused on the need for our Juvenile Justice system to be more responsive
to professionals who are trying to assist children.

The prevailing theme was that without effective communications with judges,
probation officers, and law enforcement, it will be very difficult for social workers,
and alternative to incarceration programs to help children exit the criminal justice
system and become productive members of society.

If you are interested in participating at our monthly forums, please contact:


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