Judge Corriero Delivers Keynote Speech at Brooklyn Law School’s Symposium

Posted: March 22nd, 2011 | by Yuval Sheer

On March 18, 2011, Judge Corriero was the keynote speaker at Brooklyn Law School’s symposium titled: “Adolescents in Society: Their Evolving Legal Status”.

His message was that New York should extend the jurisdiction of the Family Court to include 16 and 17 year old teenagers.

Judge Corriero indicated that the state should reinvest in the Family Court as an institution that can successfully address juvenile delinquency. The Family Court should be viewed in the context of a coordinated effort that can effectively harness both the Criminal Court and the Juvenile Court to a common strategy – as a partner with the Criminal Court to provide rehabilitative services to children in trouble with the law.

Judge Corriero emphasized that before implementation of Family Court jurisdictional expansion, we need to enhance the capacity of the Family Court to deal effectively with juvenile delinquents through a plan that results in the reinvestment in and the revitalization of the Family Court and New York’s juvenile justice system.

Judge Corriero concluded that in order to prepare for implementation of raise the age legislation, New York should move forward with the establishment of a commission to examine the impact of expanded Juvenile Court jurisdiction on the existing legal framework of adjudicating the cases of offenders under the age of 18.


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