Judge Corriero testifies about Punitive Segregation of Youth in New York State Correctional Facilities

Judge Corriero testifies about Punitive Segregation of Youth in New York State Correctional Facilities

On July 10, 2014, Judge Corriero testified before the New York Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights about the use of punitive segregation for youth in New York

ARTICLES / Posted: July 21st, 2014

Governor Cuomo Signs Safe Harbor Bill

Governor Cuomo Signs Safe Harbor Bill

On January 13, Governor Cuomo signed into law an expansion of Safe Harbor protections to 16- and 17- year-olds arrested for prostitution in New York

ARTICLES / Posted: January 31st, 2014

Governor Cuomo Establishes Commission on Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility

Governor Cuomo Establishes Commission on Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility

Governor Andrew Cuomo, in his State of the State address on January 8th, publicly endorsed raising New York’s age of criminal responsibly. He stated that the prosecution of 16- and 17-year-olds in adult courts is neither fair nor just

ARTICLES / Posted: January 10th, 2014

Judge Corriero Testifies Before the New York State Legislature in Support of Raising The Age of Criminal Responsibility

Judge Corriero Testifies Before the New York State Legislature in Support of Raising The Age of Criminal Responsibility

On December 6, 2013 Judge Corriero testified at a hearing before the New York State Assembly in support of raising New York’s age of criminal responsibility.

ARTICLES / Posted: December 18th, 2013

Juvenile Justice Academy Members Graduate

Juvenile Justice Academy Members Graduate

On July 30, 2013, two dozen Juvenile Justice Academy members completed a comprehensive two month program at the Center

ARTICLES / Posted: August 19th, 2013


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